Update: If you couldn't tell, this was an April fools joke.
On October 19, 2019, I was sitting in a Yoshinoya, eating a rice bowl, when I checked the FANDOM Screamer Forums and saw a message from Sannse (A FANDOM staff member) saying that the wiki would be shut down soon due to shock sites. Although we were eventually able to argue with FANDOM to allow us to stay if we removed the shock sites (like 80% of our traffic), we decided to move over to ScreamerFanbase.com (Now screamer.wiki).
People have become pretty used to us being off FANDOM, and in some cases, it's way better (No ads, customizable skins, etc), but FANDOM is just a way better platform.
Google's search algorithm promotes big sites over smaller ones currently, which means FANDOM is always put at the top. Here's a study about that.
You may be wondering, what about shock sites? FANDOM doesn't like those and was the main reason the wiki was originally shut down. As long as we remove them, we can move back right away. See the attached screenshot which is 100% legit.
bUt fAnDoM HaS ToO MaNy aDs!
i dOn't lIkE FaNdOm's oAsIs sKiN LoOk
wHat AbouT SHOcK sites, wHicH YOu sAID werE 80% OF TRaFFIc?
- Nobody cares about shock sites; we can do without them.
What Will happen to Screamer.Wiki?
I urge everyone here to go to https://fandom.screamer.wiki to check on the progress of the move.