It's already nearing the end of April. This, at least for me, felt like a long month. Here's the updates.
Server Move
Since the past week or so, I've been working on moving the server over to a VPS. The move has taken way longer than anticipated (mostly due to trying to get the website to actually function). The VPS move will allow the Screamer Wiki to have things like in house video hosting, a true virtual editor, and much more. This also means that the entire Screamer.Wiki domain is being used for the new server, so anything that was located on that domain (screamer forums/host) for the time being moved back to temporarily
Coronavirus and Other Notable Things
With the shutdowns lasting way longer than anybody anticipated, the "Coronavirus Update" button will probably be there until at least June 10th (probably later). All I must say about the novel Coronavirus is stay safe and support your small businesses: They need it!
April is also Autism Acceptance Month. The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has plenty of great resources for autistic users (as I know there are some autistic users on our site).
This was not as large as an update as last month, as, honestly, I have not been as productive as I thought I would be once the lockdowns hit, however, there is much to come for the wiki next month!