Hey, years ago(2005-2008 i think)i found some shock site. I dont really remember a lot but i think you’ll recognize that by my descriptipn.It was stylized as a blog. I was a kid those time and i didnt know english but on main page, from the left side there was some text wall and big „watch video” button i think, from the right side „about me” section with probably photo of author looking somewhere. When i clicked button, a video started playing on fullscreen. There was a man in suit that walked through some bad lighted corridors and talked about some s##t. After few moments, he stopped, pulled out a gun and shotted himself in head, it looked very realistic.
After that, video automatically closed and i was back on the main page. Guy from the about me section turned his sight to the front and text wall started changing to HELP/SAVE ME and next video started playing. From then i dont know if some script blocked my mouse or i was so scared that i plug off the cord but i couldnt close my browser. It was complication of gore videos, the only one i remember was guy jumped off from some tower and photo of coffin covered in bushes and a text ar the end. Another video closed and thats all. Very weird expercience for that age but i wanna see this again. Can you help? Cheers
Edit: i think the year i've seen that was more like 2007-2010
On the first video there was also some torches on the wall